A Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV) is simply the process by which you verify the relationship between the participant and their dependents to ensure they should in fact be eligible for coverage.
Most participants do not intentionally carry ineligible dependents, they simply do not understand plan rules.
When we complete a dependent eligibility audit or verification, we ask employees to provide documentation or proof that their dependents meet the requirements set by the plan to be covered.
Our Dependent Eligibility Audits keep you in mind. Whether you want to be very involved in every step or let us do the heavy lifting, we can customize your audit to your needs. See below for a quick overview of how we work with you.



Together, we’ll customize your audit to achieve the least amount of friction and highest outcome.
Don’t worry about collecting documents from employees – we handle that for you and share the results with you every week. You’ll receive an executive report for your audit. Our team will explain the results to you and answer all your questions.
Ongoing Dependent Verification
New hires, open enrollment and life events can all lead to ineligible dependents on your plans. Stay up to date by capturing and verifying dependents before dollars have been spent.
Using the same process as a comprehensive audit, BMI will send an initial letter to your employees and one follow-up letter after several weeks. You receive progress updates throughout the project.